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This page is dedicated to planning matters as considered by the Planning Committee of Coltishall Parish Council. Note that while the Parish Council has the right to be consulted about planning applications, the relevant planning authority (Broadland District Council, the Broads Authority or Norfolk County Council) makes the final decision on planning matters.

Greater Norwich Local Plan 



The Local Plan, which will cover the period to 2036, will set out a vision and strategy for growth and include policies which will be used to determine planning applications in the Greater Norwich area.


The GNLP will identify sites for new homes, jobs and infrastructure and sets out what is going to be developed, where it will happen and how it will be achieved. There has already been a ‘call for sites’ and 600 sites were submitted for consideration. More sites may be submitted through this consultation.


The vision for Greater Norwich to 2036 is: To grow vibrant, healthy communities supported by a strong economy and the delivery of homes, jobs, infrastructure and an enhanced environment.


The GNLP website is at


Terms of Reference


Our Terms of Reference set out the role and powers delegated to the Planning Committee by the Parish Council.

2018 Meetings
6th February - Agenda | Minutes


2017 Meetings

6th November - Agenda | Minutes


2nd October - Agenda | Minutes



Planning Authorities


Broadland District Council


Broads Authority


Norfolk County Council


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